Cash for spies!

A new video asks Beijingers to report on spies in exchange for rewards of up to 500,000 yuan. The China Project presents an abridged version with subtitles.

Are you still worried that you might get into trouble if you report spies?

Are you still considering whether being a good person really pays off?

Recently, the Beijing National Security Administration issued and implemented the “Incentives for Citizens to Report Espionage Behaviors,” which will dispel all your concerns.

Informers who play an important role in helping to prevent or detect espionage cases will be awarded 100,000 to 500,000 RMB ($14,700 to $73,500).

Informers who play a crucial role in preventing or solving spy cases will be awarded 50,000 to 100,000 RMB ($7,300 to $14,700).

As long as the cases are verified and accurate, informers will be rewarded.

No matter where you are, the Beijing National Security Administration will spare no efforts to find you. Bombarding you with phone calls, spreading notices, all with the mere goal of finding you and paying the reward!

So, how should you report spy cases?

Call us at 12339. If you don’t have enough balance on your mobile account, write us a letter. All the national security organizations will accept reports.

What? Having trouble drafting a letter? Go to report the spy cases in person at any national security organization.