Unleashing the power of motivation: Swire Chinese language conference


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In June of 2023, Jared Turner delivered the keynote speech at the Swire Chinese language conference in Newcastle, England. This episode features his address discussing Chinese learner motivation, specifically how to help students find their own motivation as well as identifying what can squash it. After a Q&A session, there are six speed interviews with Chinese teachers from the UK sharing their stories of why they started to learn Chinese.

*The Swire Chinese Language Conference [00:01:20]*

John and Jared talk about the Swire Chinese Language Conference and its purpose in promoting Chinese language education in the UK.

*Observing Chinese Classes in the UK [00:02:26]*

Jared shares his experience of visiting classrooms in London and Oxford to observe Chinese language education the UK.

*Keynote Address: Discovering motivation behind learning Chinese [00:04:25]*

Jared discusses research conducted by Mandarin Companion, which identified six distinct groups of Chinese language learners based on their reasons for learning Chinese.

*How to help students find their motivation [00:15:32]*

Jared discusses practical ways to help obligated learners discover their own intrinsic motivation for learning Chinese.

*Q&A: The importance of intrinsic motivation [00:21:45]*

Interview with Jared: Jared discusses the challenges of helping students find their intrinsic motivation to learn Chinese and the fragility of motivation.

*Q&A: What stops students from learning Chinese? [00:23:35]*

Jared answers a question highlighting the difficulty and time it takes to feel a sense of accomplishment in learning Chinese and how it can affect motivation.

*Q&A: Why are students from immigrant families who have learned English not motivated to learn Chinese? [00:25:34]*

Jared answers question about why kids who have learned English as a second language may not be interested in learning another language like Chinese.

*Q&A: What are some best practices from the USA? [00:27:19]*

Jared explores the use of innovative teaching methods, such as comprehensible input, and the benefits of dual language immersion programs in the US education system.

*Robert Neil: Swire Chinese program overview [00:29:33]*

Robert is the coordinator for the Swire Chinese center in Manchester, England. He explains the Swire Groupโ€™s involvement in Chinese language education in the UK.

*Interview: Dean Robinson [00:32:40]*

Dean shares his two-decade journey of learning Chinese, initially motivated by his fascination with Chinese culture and later by a professional goal. He emphasizes the significant role technology and a clear purpose can play in language learning.

*Interview: Zainab Khalid [00:36:53]*

Zainab, who helms a Mandarin teaching department, shares her spontaneous decision to study Mandarin at university despite initial intentions to pursue sciences. She stresses the rewarding nature of Mandarin learning, suggesting it becomes easier and more gratifying as proficiency increases.

*Interview: Alex Tarbot [00:39:26]*

Alex, who transitioned from Spanish to Chinese due to its potential opportunities, discusses his language learning journey and how the allure of understanding Chinese culture kept him motivated.

*Interview: Jay Smith [00:42:03]*

Jay, a former entrepreneur turned Mandarin teacher, shares his random decision to learn Chinese influenced by his sister’s suggestion. His passion for languages and the ability they offer to connect with others, combined with his experiences in China, have cemented his path.

*Interview: Torri Widowson [00:44:50]*

Tori, a teacher from Whitburn School, speaks about her early experiences in learning Chinese, the cultural insights gained through language, and how technology has revolutionized language learning.

*Interview: James Stagg [00:48:50]*

James talks about his passion for teaching and ensuring that children and young adults have a positive and engaging experience learning Mandarin.